
Automatic Curriculum Learning with Gradient Reward Signals

Collaborated with Junsang Yoon on a research project looking into using student gradients as a reward signal for teachers in the context of automatic curriculum learning; utilized gymnasium environments (PointMaze, AntMaze, and AdroitHandRelocate) along with soft actor-critic and policy gradient algorithms to conduct experiments

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Can Transformers Learn Sequential Function Classes In Context?

Collaborated with Emma Guo, Evan Hu, Reya Vir, and Ethan Hsiao on an investigation into the ability of transformers to in-context learn sequential function classes (recursive linear transformations, recursive randomly-initialized neural networks, etc.) as well as their robustness to label randomization during inference time

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Coup Reinforcement Learning Agent

Implemented the deep Q-Learning reinforcement learning algorithm to train an agent to play the board game Coup; Utilized PyTorch to train the Q-Network and Matplotlib to visualize the results

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WhereToEat Chatbot

AI Chatbot created by team of 4 in the Cal Hacks AI Hackathon designed to assist with the restaurant selection process; the frontend was created with Next.js and deployed through Vercel; the backend was created with Python, utilizing the OpenAI and GoogleMaps APIs

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Algorithm(s) and Complexity for Condorcet Consistent Voting

Collaborated with Amar Shah on a literature review of complexities for various Condorcet Consistent voting systems such as Dodgson, Kemeny, and Ranked Pairs; potential applications to simple stable voting

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NP Hard Team Assignment

Researched solutions to the max k cut NP hard problem to design an algorithm to approximate a solution to a modified graph NP hard problem given hundreds of student inputs

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Designed and pipelined a CPU capable of running RISC-V Assembly instructions

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Mancala AI

Implemented the Mancala board game in Java with multiple game modes, utilized the minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning to program an AI with an adjustable depth

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Implemented a version control system using Java with functionality for commits, branches, merges, and checkouts

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Scheme Interpreter

Programmed a Python interpreter for the Scheme programming language, with functionality for arithmetic operations, conditional logic, lambda procedures, and tail call optimization

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History of the Normal Distribution and Central Limit Theorem

Researched the history of the normal distribution and central limit theorem; Authored a paper explaining the historical context behind the development of key results in probability theory

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